I guess I would say this has been a long time coming. Very first post, so bare with me. I’ve got a lot to learn. Never really thought I would end up writing and publishing an article to a website I created nor did I ever really think I’d be in the position I am in today. I never would’ve known just three or four years ago when I got super involved into bass fishing that I would end up here and be a creator of something that could possibly change the game in our small WV fishing world. If I would’ve told my 11th grade self that I would be here I would’ve told him that I was crazy. But here we are, hopefully here to make a change and really ramp up the fishing community in and around WV!

My vision for Dock Talk WV moving forward is pretty simple and exciting. First and foremost I wanted to create a platform for anglers, fans, friends and families of anglers to be able to access one site to see everything going on in bass fishing in WV. Not only that, but I wanted to create something to recognize our great anglers around the state (arguably some of the best in the country) on one platform. Give those anglers the opportunity to be seen by new folks and by the following of people Shane and the crew have built over the past few years with Dock Talk. I want to make this a one stop website where all tournament organizations around the state can cover their events on and share it with folks across the platform we are going to build.

No, the Live Show isn’t going anywhere. The live show will continue on a weekly basis whenever I decide to start it back up. I imagine, it will just be myself at first with guests over the phone or FaceTime and maybe a few appearances with Shane if we can talk him into it! If we don’t get to do Live Show every week, we are probably going to shoot for the podcast/recorded form of the Show. That is still something we got to work on, but just a heads up that the Show isn’t going anywhere.

2022 will be a growth year and I plan on making this grow tremendously over the next year. I already have a few trails picked out for next year, along with a very busy college fishing schedule I’ll be working with. So I can’t get really to over my head next year. Although I do want to add a few more trails to cover maybe not so much in 2022 but get the planning process started for 2023 and forward. Next year I’ll be working with some folks and getting out some cool and interesting topics that is for sure!

For now, we survive the cold winter coming I imagine and get geared up for next spring. I have plenty of new stuff planned to write and cover on so stay tuned!