The cold weather over the weekend and snow last week has definitely given me some cabin fever the past week. It’s been since Christmas Eve since I’ve made a cast and the fever is on full effect for me right now. While I have plenty of other things I could be working on, my desire to go fishing is pretty strong right now.

I think a lot of folks around the mountain state can agree it’s time for some warmer weather and tournament season to get under way. At least that’s the case for me, as there isn’t much to do fishing wise this time of year unless of course you brave the cold or chase after some trout. I would be lying to say it’s been kind of hard to start up a fishing tournament coverage website in the middle of the winter with not much fishing going on at all. Doesn’t give you much to write about and any content to post now.

Although with the time off, I’ve had plenty to do and plenty of time to think about 2022. One thing is for sure, I’ve used quite a bit of time to work on the Marshall Fishing trail for next year, worked on sponsorships and did some planning for the new season coming up. But, I haven’t been working on the website as much as I would like to be which has got me thinking of ways to keep it active in the winter. So my question to you is, what do you all do that is fishing related to pass time in the winter? Is it braving the cold and going anyways, making new baits for the spring, watching videos on fishing, maybe out chasing whitetail deer, working on boats, etc? I want to open the website to you all and hear what you’ve got going on in the winter months.

I’m trying to gear the website to stuff you all would like to read and learn about during these next few cold months. So, if you have something in mind you’d like to know, have an interesting story that you would like published or just anything you would like to share with everyone else feel free to leave a comment over on Facebook, shoot me a message or email

I know there is some cool stories and interesting things to learn out there waiting to be posted! Here is the opportunity before the tournament season gets under way to have your story or winter pass time posted up on