Something that anglers always wonder with West Virginia fishing, is who is truly the best team in the state? Who is at the top of their game?

No more wondering.

A project we have been working on here at DockTalkWV for a while is a good way to provide who is the best bass fishing team in the state. There are so many different tournament trails and so many different tournaments, we can’t bring all of them in just yet. Definitely don’t have that type of manpower to fill in the excel sheet every weekend.

In 2023 we are tracking results from the top three trails in the state and bringing those results together to form the ‘West Virginia Bass Fishing Team Power Rankings‘ page. It will be a list that is updated at the end of every month and calculated to determine who has the hottest hand in bass fishing in the state. The three trails included will be the BASS Nation of West Virginia Buddy Trail, Marshall Bass Super Series and the West Virginia Bass Federation.

At the end of the year, each team will accumulate the total amount of points from each month. The team with the most combined points at the end of the year will determine the winner.

Obviously, this isn’t going to be the most perfect system and will need to be adjusted as we move on and learn more. But, it will be something that is going to be engaging and fun to follow along with.

The page will be located at the top menu on the homepage of and can be found there all year long.

From a personal standpoint, I have always been curious about who is truly the best in the state and I think this is finally going to be the path to that. We have so many different tournaments and tournament trails that constantly there are four or five teams that dominate or at least have good showings, but it will be fascinating to me who comes out on top each month and then who wins it all at the end of the year when you mix in all three trails. Between all three of the trails, you get a good mixture of lake fishing and river fishing so it is not just tailored to teams who are just good on one or two bodies of water.

So how does it work?

Only the Top 20 teams from each event will be scored.

-1st Place = 20 points

-2nd Place = 19 points

-3rd Place = 18 points

-So on and so forth.

Each month the leaderboard is reset and started again.

Tournament Months:





Total scores are based on average of how many tournaments you fished within the month, then plus or minus with bonus and deductions.


-4 tournament scores / 4

-3 tournament scores / 3


-Two Top 20 tournaments in a month = +2 points

-Three Top 20 tournaments in a month = +4 points

-Four Top 20 tournaments in a month = +6 points

-Five Top 20 tournaments in a month = +8 points

-Tournament Win = +3 points


-Only one Top 20 tournament = -10 points

3 Trails

-Marshall Bass Super Series

-BASS Nation of West Virginia

-West Virginia Bass Federation

Team of the Year:

At the end of the year each team will accumulate the total amount of points from each month. The team with the most combined points at the end of the year will determine the winner.